1- According to radio carbon dating Harappan civilization developed between 2500 B.C to 1750 B.C.
2- Indus civilization is also called as Harappan civilization developed be first excavated site is Harappa.

3- It belongs to the Bronze Age.
4- It extended from Manda(Jammu) in North to Daimabad in South.
5- Major settlements are in the Ghaggar-Hakra belt.
6- Copper, bronze, silver,gold were known but not iron.
7- Seals were made up of steatite.
8- Majority of the seals have an animal engraved on it with a short inscription. The most frequently
found animal is unicorn bull.

9- Camel bones have been discovered at kalibangan.
10- They worshipped, Proto-Shiva, Mother-Goddess, Bull, and Pipal tree.
11- Important sites are Harappa, Mohenjodero, Lothal, Kalibangan, Baanwali, Dholavira.
12- At Kalibangan and Lothal fire altars have been discovered.
13- Furrowed field has been discovered at Kalibangan.
14- Harappan Civilization was the first urban civilization.
14- Most of the sites of Harappan Civilization is found in the state of Gujarat.
15- Great Bath is at Mohenjodaro.

16- Their Pottery was red or black Pottery.
17- Mohenjodaro a Sindhi word meaning "Mound of the dead".
18- Bead making factory existed in Chanhudaro and Lothal.

19- Rakhigarhi is the latest site discovered in India.
20- Cementry H and R-37 have been discovered at Harappa.

21- Teracotta Plough has been discovered at Banawali.
22- Indus people were the first to produce cotton in the world.
23- More than 1000 sites have been excavated.
2- Indus civilization is also called as Harappan civilization developed be first excavated site is Harappa.

3- It belongs to the Bronze Age.
4- It extended from Manda(Jammu) in North to Daimabad in South.
5- Major settlements are in the Ghaggar-Hakra belt.
6- Copper, bronze, silver,gold were known but not iron.
7- Seals were made up of steatite.
8- Majority of the seals have an animal engraved on it with a short inscription. The most frequently
found animal is unicorn bull.

9- Camel bones have been discovered at kalibangan.
10- They worshipped, Proto-Shiva, Mother-Goddess, Bull, and Pipal tree.
11- Important sites are Harappa, Mohenjodero, Lothal, Kalibangan, Baanwali, Dholavira.
12- At Kalibangan and Lothal fire altars have been discovered.
13- Furrowed field has been discovered at Kalibangan.
14- Harappan Civilization was the first urban civilization.
14- Most of the sites of Harappan Civilization is found in the state of Gujarat.
15- Great Bath is at Mohenjodaro.

16- Their Pottery was red or black Pottery.
17- Mohenjodaro a Sindhi word meaning "Mound of the dead".
18- Bead making factory existed in Chanhudaro and Lothal.

19- Rakhigarhi is the latest site discovered in India.
20- Cementry H and R-37 have been discovered at Harappa.

21- Teracotta Plough has been discovered at Banawali.
22- Indus people were the first to produce cotton in the world.
23- More than 1000 sites have been excavated.
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