THE EARLY VEDIC AGE (1500 - 1000 B.C)

THE EARLY VEDIC PERIOD (1500 - 1000 B.C)                           

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1-  It is also known as  Rig Vedic Age.
2-  Rig Vedic Age gives us knowledege about the Aryans they were come India from central Asia(Stepped region).

3- The earliest Aryans lived in the land of ' Sapta Sindhava' i.e., land of seven rivers.

4-  The early vedic society was pastoral.

5-  Cattle was the cheif measure of wealth and wealthy man was called 'Gomat'.

6-  The term Aghanya or not to be killed has been used for cows.

7-  The Raja or chief is called 'Gopati'.

8-  In the Rigveda Godhuli is used as a term for a measure of time.

9-  Apart from Yava or Barley no other grain is mentioned.

10-  Indra was the greatest god of Aryans. Agni occupied the second position.

11-  Varuna occupied the third postion and he personfied water.

12- The Battle of Ten Kings ended with the victory of the Bharatas led by Sudas.

13-  Gayatri Mantra is attributed to Savitri. Aditi was goddess of eternity.

14-  Widow marriage and Niyoga  prevailed in the society.

15-  Important functionaries were Purohita, Senani and Gramini.

16-  Important tribal Assemblies were Sabha, Samiti, Vidath and Gana.

17-  Sabha performed judicial and administrative functions.

18-  King attended Sabha but was not elected by it.

19-  Samiti is mentioned nine- times in Rigveda.

20-  Samiti was presided over by king.

21-  King was elected in Samiti.

22-  'Gana' is mentioned for 46 places in Rigveda.

23-  Leadership of  Gana was called as 'Ganapati'.

24-  Dasyus were the most bitter enemies of the Rigvedic people.

25-  Rigvedic people were not aware of Iron.

26-  Indra was the most important god. Indra was known as Purandar, Vritrahan and Marutavant.

27- Varuna was punisher of sin. Varuna bear the title ' Asura'.

28-  Agni was called as Bhuvanchakshu.

29-  Asvins and Nasatyas were divine physicans.

30-  Yama  was the Lord of death.

31-  Aditi is the mother of Surya.

32-  River Indus was the most important river in Vedic period.
33-  River Saraswati  was the most scraedriver in Vedic period.


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