PALEOLITHIC AGE(250,000 - 10,000 B.C)
(250,000-10,000 B.C)
The pre-historic phase can be roughly diveded into 3 parts-
1- Paleolithic
2- Mesolithic
3- Neolithic
1- Paleolithic Culture develpoed in the Pleistocene period.
2- Pleistocene was the period when ice covered the earth surface.
3- The main tools used during this period are handaxes, cleavers, Choppers, flakes, burins,scrapers.
4- Their tools were made up of hard rock called ' quartzite'.
5- The paleolithic sites are spread in pratically all parts of India except the alluvial plains of the Indus and Ganga.
6- The people of this age lived on hunting and gathring wild fruits and vegetables.
7- Man during this period used tools of unpolised, undressed rough stones and lived in cave rock shelthers.
8- They had no knowledge of agriculture, fire or pottery of any metal.
9- In the later Paleolithic phase domestication of animal was practiced.
10- Homo saipens first appeared in the last of this phase.
11- It has been pointed out that Paleolithic men belonged to the Negrito race.
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