PALEOLITHIC AGE(250,000 - 10,000 B.C)

                          PALEOLITHIC AGE 

                      (250,000-10,000 B.C)                                              

The pre-historic phase can be roughly diveded into 3 parts-
   1- Paleolithic 
   2- Mesolithic
   3- Neolithic

                                     PALEOLITHIC  AGE Image result for pic of paleolithic age

 1-  Paleolithic Culture develpoed in the Pleistocene period.
 2-  Pleistocene was the period when ice covered the earth surface.
 3-  The main tools used during this period are handaxes, cleavers,  Choppers, flakes, burins,scrapers.

4-  Their tools were made up of hard rock called ' quartzite'.

5-  The paleolithic sites are spread in pratically all parts of India except the alluvial plains of the Indus and Ganga.
 6-  The people of this age lived on hunting and gathring wild  fruits and vegetables.
 7-  Man during this period used tools of unpolised, undressed  rough stones and lived in cave rock shelthers.
 8-  They had no knowledge of agriculture, fire or pottery of  any metal.

 9-   In the later Paleolithic phase domestication of animal  was practiced.

 10-   Homo saipens first appeared in the last of this phase.

 11-   It has been pointed out that Paleolithic men belonged to the Negrito race.

Image result for pic of paleolithic ageImage result for pic of paleolithic age
Image result for pic of paleolithic age


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