1-  The word of Veda is derived from the Sanskrit word ' Vidi ' meaning to know or knoweledge par excelence.

2-  Vedic texts are divided between Shruti (based on hearing), which is distinct from Smriti (based on memory).

3-  Four Vedas and their Samhitas , the Brahmanas, the Upanishads form a class of literature known as Shruti.
Image result for vedic literature

4-  The Brahmans explain the hymns of the Vedas. They are written in prose and ritualistic in nature.Brahma mean ' sacrifice' .  The various sacrifices and rituals have been elaborately discussed in the Brahamanas. Every Veda has several Brahamanas attached to it -

a)  Rig Veda - Aitareya and kaushitikij Sankhyan.

b)  Sam Veda - Panchvisha (Tandya Maha Brahamana), Shadvinsh, Chliandogya and Jaiminaya.

c)  Yajur Veda - Shatapatha (the oldest adn the largest Brahamana) and Taittariya.

d)  Atharva Veda - Gopatha.

5-  The word  Aranya means " the forest ". The ' forest texts ' were called Vedanta, because they were written ten manily for the hermits and the students living in jungles. The Aranyaka are the concluding portions of the Brahamanas.


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